Are you paying more than you should be for your health insurance? Many of us feel the same way. There’s absolutely no need to pay more than you must for a product like health insurance. With that in mind, you could submit yourself for a little test to see if you can do better. If you answer yes to any of the below, you may be able to activate some savings!
If You Stress Over The Amount You Pay Each Month/Year
Did you know that 1 in 3 surveyed feels stressed about paying their health insurance bill? If your policy is becoming a financial burden, perhaps it’s time to see if you can get a better value product.
If You Have Claimed Any/All Benefits Included In Your Extras Or Hospital Policy
Because so many of us choose to get covered by health insurance, it’s no surprise that each product covers a broad range of services. But do you really need this level of coverage? With a bit of leg work on your part, you can track down a policy that covers treatments you need and save money.
Have You Opted For A Low (Or No) Excess Or Co-Payment, But You Don’t Claim It
An excess is a one-off payment you owe your insurer when you claim on your insurance policy. If you’re concerned about all these costs, you can opt for a cheaper excess and co-payment, or maybe none at all. This will still, however, result in a more expensive monthly premium. Conversely, higher excesses and co-payments may mean cheaper health insurance premiums.
Wondering if it makes sense to keep those per treatment costs at a minimum, or do you claim it often enough to warrant the higher premium? Run the numbers for your situation to find out.
If You Have Joint Cover, But Don’t Share The Same Requirements As Others On Your Policy
If you have joint cover, like a couple’s or a family policy, everyone gets covered for the same thing. However, what if one of you requires more expensive treatment, but you don’t? When comparing policies, do several quotes. One for you as a couple/family, and a few others for each member of the family. We believe that an annual comparison of products is a smarter way to shop.